a capricious webcomic

Coding Hero

April 6th, 2008

Welcome! After a long hiatus, I’ve decided to give the comic another go. Check out the list on the sidebar for some of the better work from last summer’s series. I’m working off the rust, so bear with me. Thanks!

At least kids could pretend to code like they see done in the movies.

Posted in Uncategorized

16 Responses

  1. Saemundr

    OMG. gaming genius. I’ll take 2 for my kid’s 😉
    Does it include a ‘pair programming’ function (multiplayer).
    Maybe even Agile Programming? ( further spaced buttons ;D )

  2. Ellen


    It’s great to see you back and doing something in your own style.

    FWIW, I’m a Google engineer. If you make high score, let me know, and I’ll give you an employee referral. 🙂

  3. David

    I don’t get it.

  4. DiZzy


  5. Mary Poppin' Caps

    My farts stink.

  6. TzG

    Difficulties are BASIC, Lisp, C++, Java and Perl, with over 60 programs to code [though 27 of those programs are covers]

    also, a special spaghetti mode, in which you may have to press all five buttons at once BECAUSE IT’S SO DAMN MESSED UP, YOU KNOW.

  7. orpheus

    I just found this comic, and it’s great! (I’m reading all of the archive right now)

  8. Ishepoh

    I love this. I’m printing this out and putting in all my programming classes.

  9. Alexander

    Effin sweet. I’m getting my nephew one!

  10. Josh

    A small addition 😀

  11. Guitar Hero Flash Games

    Play guitar hero on your computer

  12. KSiimson

    Look at Linus Torvalds, not all that bad idea. 😉

  13. dave


  14. hg

    this is retarded.

  15. Michel

    Ahhhhh! Like Guitar Hero! I knew the funny keyboard was key, but thanks to DizZy I understand. Excellent!!!

  16. orion

    whatz this crap man?